ATTENTION PLAYERS: As Flash will no longer be supported on browsers after the end of 2020, please download the Artix Games Launcher to continue your adventure! We have future proofed all of our Flash games so they can be played without using a browser.
AQWorlds is a Flash game, so Flash does need to be enabled correctly on your browser to play. Most players use Google Chrome and their new update has blocked Flash by default. You can still turn it on in settings, but next year, Flash will be removed from Chrome entirely. That won't impact you, though - you can download and play all our games from now.
If you use a different browser, such as FireFox or Microsoft Edge, here are instructions via Adobe's website.
Here is how to enable Flash to play AQWorlds via Google Chrome:
Step 1- Chrome has a new notification bar about Flash when you open it.
DO NOT TOUCH THE TURN OFF BUTTON! This will disable Flash in your browser. If you accidentally touch the Turn Off button, you can still turn it back on and you will need to follow the below steps.
If you did not touch the Turn Off button, skip to step 6.
Step 2 - With Chrome, you will now land on this screen whether you have Flash turned on or not. This is a default setting for Chrome since version 69.
Step 3 - Click anywhere on the splash screen. If you have turned Flash off, you will get a notice that Flash is blocked. You can click on the Lock or the Blocked Notice.
Step 4 - That will bring up a dialog box where you can turn Flash back on.
Step 5 - Click on Manage and it will bring you here. Slide the circled button to the right to turn Flash back on.
Step 6 - After this, you can go back to the AQWorlds login page and click on the splash screen again anywhere and it will bring up this box. Click Allow and it will take you to the Log In Page.
Step 7 - Login in and play as normal!
For Character Pages:
If opening without turning on Flash from the Log In page:
Go to the character page, and if you see this:
Go to the URL bar and click the red X:
Click Manage, and this will take you back to Step 5 from above. Proceed from there!