We are very sorry that your stuff is missing. We understand how awful it feels to lose something on your account.
Unfortunately, we usually cannot return something that has been deleted or sold for any reason. This includes if you mistakenly sold or deleted an item or if your account was shared/hacked. Please note, you should check your bank if you cannot find an item in your inventory, as you may had put in there and forgot!
We also cannot return gold or DragonCrystals that have been spent for any reason. This includes if you mistakenly spent currency or if your account was shared/hacked. If you chose to sell a DragonCrystals item, you do only receive gold back. You cannot receive your original DragonCrystals back.
We only track DragonCrystals transactions and do not track drops from quests, monsters, etc. So we cannot give you an item that dropped and you didn't pick it up in time. If you did have an item drop and you can't pick it up, you may be having a connection issue. Please visit the Technical Help Pages for more information.
How can I prevent my stuff from disappearing?
- NEVER EVER give out your password! This is the Number One Reason that players lose their stuff!
- NEVER EVER share, trade, sell or give away accounts!
- Visit our help page for tips how to keep your account secure.