PayPal is the fastest, easiest and safest payment method we offer. We have used PayPal for years and it is the payment method we recommend to use if you would like to purchase an AdventureQuest upgrade. You can choose to pay with a PayPal account or a credit/debit card via PayPal.
Here are instructions how to pay for a Guardian, X-Boost or Z-Tokens upgrade via PayPal:
- Go to our Guardian/X-Boost Upgrade Page or our Z-Tokens Page
- Click on the Upgrade Now button or the Buy Z-Tokens button
- Login to your account and make sure you check the box to agree to our Rules and Terms & Conditions
- Choose which character you would like to upgrade and click Upgrade/Next Step
- If you are purchasing a Guardianship, confirm your purchase and choose if you would like to add on an X-Boost upgrade, then click Next Step
- If you are purchasing Z-Tokens, please choose which Z-Tokens package you would like to buy and click Next Step
- Click PayPal check out button, you will be redirected to PayPal site
- If you would like to pay with a PayPal account, please login and then review your information and click Continue. You then need to review your order details, check the box that states "By checking here I certify that I am 18 years old or older, and I authorize this transaction, or that my parent or guardian has authorized this transaction, and that I also agree to the Terms & Conditions. " Then click Confirm Order.
- If you would like to pay with a credit/debit card, please click Pay with a debit or credit card or PayPal credit. Please fill in all of the information required and click Continue.
- Review your order via PayPal and confirm you are purchasing the correct upgrade and your information is up to date and click Continue. You then need to review your order details, check the box that states "By checking here I certify that I am 18 years old or older, and I authorize this transaction, or that my parent or guardian has authorized this transaction, and that I also agree to the Terms & Conditions. " Then click Confirm Order.
- Once your payment is approved, you will receive confirmation emails from AdventureQuest and PayPal that act as your receipt
You can also choose to pay with only a checking or savings account, but then you will be paying with an echeck where PayPal has to wait for the payment to clear. You will be upgraded only after the payment has cleared. You can avoid paying with an echeck if you pay with a Credit/Debit Card through PayPal or you have a backup funding source with your checking or savings account, such as a credit card.
Please note, we have no control over whether or not PayPal accepts or declines a credit/debit card purchase. Please make sure you do enter the correct billing address that is on file with your card issuer and that you enter all of the correct card information. PayPal does accept pre-paid/gift credit/debit cards, but you need to register your billing address so the payment can be accepted.
If you are having issues with PayPal's site or have a question for PayPal, please contact PayPal directly via the PayPal Help Center.
If you purchased an upgrade but have not received it yet, please visit our Help Page.