NovaGems are an in-game currency MechQuest players can purchase powerful weapons, mechs, mission items, and much more! For more information about NovaGems, please visit the NovaGems Page and the MechQuest Upgrade Page.
Here are the NovaGems packages we offer:
- $49.95 - 15000 NovaGems with the Prototype Accelerator Containment Vessel mech for every current StarCaptain on your MechQuest account
- $19.95 - 5000 NovaGems
- $9.95 - 2000 NovaGems
- $5.00 - 2000 extra NovaGems that can be added to a StarCaptain upgrade purchase
Also, if you purchase a NovaGems item and then want to sell it and get NovaGems back, please note that after purchasing it, the value of the NovaGems item does start to depreciate. You receive 90% of the sellback value up to 24 hours after purchasing a NovaGems item and a 25% sellback value after 24 hours.
We also offer special NovaGems packages with DragonGuard upgrades if you have had a StarCaptain upgrade for at least 6 months or longer. If you are eligible to purchase any of the special DragonGuard packages, it will show for you when you go to the MechQuest Upgrade Page. More information about DragonGuard upgrades can be found in our Help Page.
If you have purchased an upgrade and have not received it yet, please visit our Help Page.