All accounts start with one character slot. To activate/confirm your email address with us to get more character slots, you need to find the email you received when you created your account. Once you created your account, you were sent a confirmation email that included a link to confirm your email.
If you no longer have the email we sent when your account was created, please follow these steps:
1. Go To
2. Scroll down to Account Manager
3. Click on Account Manager
4. It brings you to
5. Login to the Account Management Login
6. Click on Activate Email
7. Click on Resend Email
8. Wait to receive email
9. Click on the Activation Link in the email.
10. You will see this message:
Email Confirmation
Congratulations your email address has been confirmed and your account is now activated. Check the homepage for news about the game.
Notice: Email Confirmed Successfully!
Now you can create up to 3 characters! If you decide to purchase a StarCaptain upgrade, you get a total of 6 characters. Visit the StarCaptain page for more information about StarCaptain upgrades.