You can now download the Artix Games Launcher and can play OverSoul without a browser!
OverSoul is a web browser based, massively multiplayer role-playing game! You can have an Artix Account and play it from any computer all over the world! The game is not tied to your computer and you do not have to install the game to play.
- You can play from any computer web browser - we recommend Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer
- There are no game files to install
- It uses the Flash Plugin! Check out this great guide for more information that works for all of Artix Entertainment's Flash games!
- If you don't already have Flash it is free and easy to download and install!
- Your account information is securely kept on our servers
- This means you can access your account from anywhere in the world!
You must have Flash installed to play OverSoul.
Please always make sure that you are using the most recent upgrade of Flash when playing OverSoul, which is Flash Version 9.0 and up. If you do not, it could cause problems with your browser and playing our game.
If for some reason Flash is not working for you even after updating to a new version and you are experiencing lag, you can try an older version to see if that helps. Usually only the newest version will work the best.