You can download the Artix Games Launcher and can play EpicDuel without a browser!
Like all MultiPlayer Games, lag can sometimes be an issue when playing EpicDuel. If lag is becoming a problem for you, check out a few of these helpful tips to make your game run as smoothly as possible!
- Close out of any extraneous programs, windows and tabs. Having extra programs open will drain your computers' processing power
- Open the settings menu in-game and set your graphics to medium or low. You can also uncheck Play Sounds Effects, Show Home Items, Show War Notifications, Show Leaderboard Updates, Play Idle Battle Animations. You can also check Low Performance: Hide Other Characters.
If nothing listed above helps you, you can also try uninstalling and reinstalling the Artix Games Launcher. The one surefire method to make the game run smoothly is to install more RAM on the computer you are using.