Do you need more information on a particular item, quest, NPC, monster, shop, pet, class, or area? There are two Wikis (Wikipedias) for AdventureQuest Worlds, which are like online encyclopedias for a particular subject.
The Official AQWorlds Wiki is run by a team of super knowledgeable AQWorlds contributors. It is updated frequently and if you are interested in helping out the Wiki, then you can Join and help out!
The Unofficial AQWorlds Wiki is run by another team made up of wonderful AQW players who have made time to make another Wiki with just as much knowledge if not more of AQWorlds lore! If you would like to help them out, join their Helper Program!
There are also a ton of AWESOME AQWorlds Fan Pages online that may help! Please note, none of the fan pages are run or monitored by AQWorlds Staff.
If you want to make an AQWorlds Fan Page, we are honored! Please make sure to list that all material is copyrighted by Artix Entertainment LLC and we do not allow any fan pages to list or promote cheats/hacks/scams/bots/trainers/private servers, to phish for player information, to accept payments from players or that is negative in any way – a fan page is supposed to celebrate a certain game or fandom, not put it down!