Once you receive a HeroPoints code in the mail printed on your packing slip, you can redeem it through your Artix Account via our Portal Site for AdventureQuest Worlds, DragonFable or EpicDuel, or you can redeem the code for one game of your choice via this page.
You can only redeem your HeroPoints code once, for the one game of your choice, so choose wisely! AQ3D HeroPoints gear is coming soon!
- Artix Accounts - If you redeemed your code directly to your Artix Account, you can choose to give the HeroPoints to your linked AQWorlds account, linked DragonFable account (and whichever character you choose) or whichever linked EpicDuel character you chose.
- AQWorlds - If you redeemed your code directly to your AQWorlds account, your HeroPoints are placed in your inventory. To spend them:
- Login to your account
- /join heromart
- Talk to Stryche to learn all about HeroMart and its merch
- Browse the store to see his big-ticket items and their in-game rewards
- Click on items that interest you to get more information or go straight to HeroMart.com to buy them
- Go to the Design Notes post for more information!
- EpicDuel - once you redeem the HeroPoints code to your character, you then receive one Arcade Token per one HeroPoint. The Arcade is a mini game where players have the chance to win prizes by playing at any ArcadeBot. One you have your Arcade Tokens:
- Go to an ArcadeBot, then can decide which games you would like to play.
- Each game has its own leaderboard that displays the top 10 players with the highest scores.
- There are three categories of prizes in each game - bronze, silver and gold.
- DragonFable - once you redeem the HeroPoints code to your account and choose your character, your HeroPoints are placed in your inventory. To spend them:
- Open the Book of Lore (HeroMart button) and then you are taken directly to Stryche's shop
- If you want to take the long way, visit Falconreach, and from main square you head down then left to find Stryche
- Talk to Stryche to get more information or go straight to HeroMart to buy real life merchandise